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双语新闻播报(September 15)
发布日期:2025-01-04 15:50    点击次数:189
> Tianzhou-5 cargo craft re-enters atmosphere after completing mission天舟五号货运飞船已受控再入大气层 This simulated image captured at the Beijing Aerospace Control Center on Nov 12, 2022 shows China's cargo spacecraft Tianzhou 5 having conducted a fast automated rendezvous and docking with the combination of the space station Tiangong. [Photo/Xinhua] China's Tianzhou-5 cargo craft re-entered the atmosphere in a controlled manner at 9:13 am (Beijing Time) Tuesday, according to the China Manned Space Agency. 据中国载人航天工程办公室消息,北京时间9月12日上午9时13分,天舟五号货运飞船已受控再入大气层。 Most of the spacecraft's components burned up during the re-entry, and a small amount of debris fell into the predetermined safe waters of the South Pacific.货运飞船绝大部分器部件在再入大气层过程中烧蚀销毁,少量残骸落入南太平洋预定安全海域。 According to the agency, many application projects carried into space by the Tianzhou-5 are progressing smoothly and have achieved fruitful results. 据介绍,随天舟五号货运飞船搭载上行的多项空间应用项目进展顺利,取得可喜成果。 Among them is the Macao Student Science Satellite 1, which was stowed in the cargo craft before being released into orbit on Dec. 18, 2022.其中包括天舟五号货运飞船于2022年12月18日成功释放的 “澳门学生科普卫星一号”立方星。 This satellite is operating stably in orbit, functioning as a space-based scientific practice platform for amateur radio enthusiasts in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, on both sides of the Taiwan Strait and around the world. It has vigorously promoted the in-depth cooperation and exchanges between the Chinese mainland and Macao in space science popularization and education, the agency noted.目前该立方星在轨运行稳定,为粤港澳大湾区、海峡两岸及全球各地业余无线电爱好者提供了良好航天科学实践平台,有力推动了内地和澳门在航天科普教育方面的深度合作和交流互动。 The in-orbit test of space hydrogen-oxygen fuel cells is another experimental achievement onboard the Tianzhou-5, providing data and theoretical support for China's future manned lunar explorations. Other key payloads include the space high-energy particle detection equipment, which completed an extravehicular mission.空间氢氧燃料电池在轨实验取得成功,为推进我国载人探月任务提供了重要数据和理论支撑。此外,空间高能粒子探测载荷完成首次舱外探测任务。 At present, three batches of application projects have been carried by Tianzhou into space. 目前已有三批次应用项目搭载进入太空开展实(试)验。 The agency said future manned space missions will continue to open its cargo craft payloads to the public. 该机构表示,后续中国载人航天工程办公室将持续面向社会征集搭载项目。 > Fraud suspects handed over to Chinese police179名涉嫌网络诈骗嫌疑人全部押解回国 Telecom fraud suspects captured in the latest joint raid operations in Laos have been escorted back to China. [Photo provided to] A total of 164 suspects involved in online fraud were handed over to Chinese police by Lao law enforcement officials and brought back to China on Monday, said the Ministry of Public Security. 我国公安部表示,老挝执法人员已将164名涉嫌网络诈骗的嫌疑人移交给中国警方,并于近日带回中国。 These suspects were engaged in fake investment and finance-related online scams and were detained as a result of collaborative efforts between China and Laos in law enforcement.这些犯罪嫌疑人从事与虚假投资和金融相关的网络诈骗,将其拘留是中老两国执法合作的结果。 They were escorted to China's Henan and Hebei provinces and Chongqing by police via chartered civil aircraft, according to the ministry. 公安部称,他们被警方通过包机押送到河南、河北和重庆。 Prior to this, police from Anhui province had already brought back 15 suspects from Laos. 此前,安徽省警方已从老挝带回15名犯罪嫌疑人。 In total, the 179 suspects were connected with about 270 cross-border online fraud cases spanning 13 provinces and municipalities in China, the ministry said.公安部称,这179名嫌疑人与中国13个省市约270起跨境网络诈骗案有关。 The ministry stated that, due to the increasing number of online fraud cases involving fake investments and financial management fraud with significant losses since the beginning of this year, it had organized public security agencies in Hebei, Anhui, Henan, Chongqing and other regions to conduct comprehensive investigations.公安部表示,今年以来,针对虚假投资理财类电信网络诈骗案件发案多、损失大等情况,公安部组织河北、安徽、河南、重庆等地公安机关全面开展案件侦办工作。 After thorough analysis, the police discovered that a number of fake investment fraud cases involving amounts of more than 1 million yuan ($140,000) were traced to Laos. 经过深入分析,警方发现多起涉案金额超百万元的虚假投资理财类电信网络诈骗犯罪窝点位于老挝境内。 To resolutely bust the fraud groups, the ministry sent police officers from Hebei, Anhui, Henan and Chongqing to form a working group in July to cooperate with police in Laos.为了坚决打击诈骗团伙,公安部于7月派出河北、安徽、河南和重庆的警察组成一个工作组,与老挝警方合作抓捕。 On July 19, Lao police carried out an operation in Savannakhet, resulting in the capture of 15 suspects. 7月19日,老挝警方在萨凡纳赫特组织开展第一轮集中收网行动,成功抓获15名电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人。 Subsequently, with the assistance of the Chinese police working group, Lao police carried out 10 operations in various regions. As a result, they detained 164 suspects, including nine key members of the fraud groups and 23 fugitives, and seized tools used for their activities.随后,在中国警察工作组的协助下,老挝警方在不同地区开展了10次行动,最终抓获电信网络诈骗犯罪嫌疑人164名,其中包括组织头目和骨干9名、网上在逃人员23名,并缴获作案工具。 The ministry has been continuously intensifying efforts to combat cross-border online fraud and had sent working groups to countries and regions such as Thailand, the Philippines, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam and Indonesia for law enforcement cooperation.据悉,公安部一直在不断加大打击跨境网络欺诈的力度,并向泰国、菲律宾、柬埔寨、老挝、越南和印度尼西亚等国家和地区派遣了工作组进行执法合作。 Find more audio news on the China Daily app.